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Lead Generation: Tiger Leads. Has anyone heard of this?

Posted on Jan 29, 2010 by in Active Rain | 0 comments

Lead Generation: Tiger Leads. Has anyone heard of this?

 I have been watching a discussion on LinkedIn about lead generation companies. The consensus is, that they are not worth the money or the hype. So I was just checking my e-mails and I received an e-mail from someone who claims to have his business increased by zillions per cent.

 Hence this made me pose the question, has anyone had positive, negative or neutral experience. Please share with me. Also what the cost is for something like this?

  I have been watching a discussion on LinkedIn about lead generation companies. The consensus is, that they are not worth the money or the hype. So I was just checking my e-mails and I received an e-mail from someone who claims to have his business increased by zillions per cent.

 Hence this made me pose the question, has anyone had positive, negative or neutral experience. Please share with me. Also what the cost is for something like this?

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