The benefits of Twitter for the community and the lack of AR’s priority on fixing it
The benefits of Twitter for the community and the lack of AR’s priority on fixing it
I am bringing this up for our community. I have written twice to the powers to be at Active Rain that the link which has been pushing our posts to Twitter is broken. A month has gone by; sadly both times the answer was the same. We know and we have no timeline on fixing it.
Our posts help Active Rain to get to the venerable position of being the “go to place for Real Estate Social Networking”. We in turn get better placement on the World Wide Web and every time our sphere of influence gets to see our posts and Twitter is a vehicle to do that.
So with that said let’s get the attention of the AR powers to be that this is a mutually beneficial
FIX what needs FIXING! Now if you think I am wrong please do not be shy and let me know how & why.