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Are you a Generalist or a Specialist?Red Doors? Brick Doors? Or Yellow Doors?

Posted on Jun 20, 2011 by in Active Rain | 0 comments

Are you a Generalist or a Specialist? Red Doors? Brick Doors? Or Yellow Doors?

Red Door Photographed by Nick of

Are you a generalist or a Specialist that was the question I was asked the other day? Being a Relocation Specialist, being an International buyer’s specialist, being a Land Expert I was surprised by the question. More so I was having a difficult time answering, that I am both a generalist and a specialist.

Doors by Jim of

As most of my readers know I live in Marina Del Rey, CA and my office is in Beverly Hills and I work for Coldwell Banker Realtors. Thanks to the advent of the Internet and now that almost 85% of potential Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate start their search for a home or search for a Realtor on the internet. I have the privilege of working from my home. I do not have to fight the daily traffic, only if I have an appointment. Being a Beverly Hills Realtor, but more specifically being a Coldwell Banker Beverly Hills Realtor I never have to explain, justify if I am qualified to list or represent a Seller or a Buyer in a Specific area. It is understood I would not be able to survive, make a living, if I was not knowledgeable Realtor. Skills of Marketing, Skills of Negotiating the Sale and People Skills to help buying or selling properties, these seem to be the most important requirements and skills that I posses and of course I also know the Geographic Territory which is equally important.

brick door by Jim of

So I was shocked that in the past two or three weeks, I was asked to help someone find a “good realtor” to represent them in an area that I could have helped them in their purchase. I diplomatically suggested that I could be that person, but it was clear, since they were coming from the East Coast they wanted a “specialist for a particular area”. Not wanting to lose them as clients, I recommended a Seasoned Veteran Assistant Manager. She had over 30 years of Experience, knew the market inside and out and knew me personally so she asked why I would not represent them? I tried explaining to her that they were coming from the East Coast and were not familiar with the area and were of the impression that Agents are Specialist and not Generalist.

doors by thomas of

The Last time they were here was about a year ago and I have showed them homes for three days on the West Side of Los Angeles. They realized, understood that I was a knowledgeable Realtor with many years of experience. They trusted me to find them another Realtor when they decided to go to the San Fernando Valley. I was unable to convince them that I was just as familiar with the San Fernando Valley as the West Side of Los Angeles. I have listed and Sold Homes, Condominiums and Land in Tarzana, Encino, Sherman Oaks and Studio City. So obviously I knew the territory. So here I am and for a 25% referral fee I have passed the Clients on to a lucky agent who has high respect of my skills, knowledge and knowhow, she knew I could have helped these Relocation Clients but the Clients did not.

Bran Village Stone Museum Door by Jim from

So with that said are you a Generalist or a Specialist? In the past five years I have put 60,000 miles on my car I know I am a generalist with special skills. What are you? How many miles did you put on your car?  BTW I am not a Door Specialist I am a Realtor.

Endre Barath's Real Estate Blog

If you are a consumer  who is considering buying  or selling  a home, investment real estate, vacation homes, or beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu. Feel Free to give me a call at 310.486.1002 (USA) or email me at  or visit one of my websites at  Your Pet Friendly Realtor. I contribute a portion of my commission to Local Animal Rescue Organizations.  

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