Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon since 1966, now 2011 MDA Labor Day Telethon?!
Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon since 1966, now 2011 MDA Labor Day Telethon?!
I have watched the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon since 1967 one year after it’s inception by a Comedian from the Rat Pack Days. Jerry Lewis single handedly made the Muscular Dystrophy Association a house hold name.
‘Jerry’s Kids’, we grew up watching every Labor Day Saturday to Sunday five pm hopeful and wishing that he would out do the previous year’s total. I remember when he broke the $1million mark as well as when he broke the $6million mark… than as MDA kept getting main stream, corporate sponsorships.
Ed McMahon’s help and contributions from Seven Eleven Corporation sponsorship and on and on went the history of Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. Every Labor Day Sunday I remember the Parade Magazine’s cover page had “Jerry’s Kids” on it with a big spread. No matter how tight the budget was my parents have supported “the cause”.
I remember having a conversation with my father that if every person just gave $1 Dollar there would be over $120million for Muscular Dystrophy Association.(that was the population count in those days for the USA) I also remember when Frank Sinatra appeared on the Show and when Dean Martin made up with Jerry Lewis on the Show. I also remember when he had a Heart Operation and still showed up for the show, because he believed in the cause. I also remember every comedian paying homage to the “king of comedy”. I also remember Jerry Lewis closing the show with his signature closing song “You’ll never walk alone”.
So with that said I am disappointed at the Muscular Dystrophy Association for not thanking and treating the man who has helped collect $2.45 Billion since 1966 for MDA. It does not matter whether you like or dislike Jerry Lewis, the point is he Made MDA a lot of money over the past 44 years. They owe Jerry Lewis for making Labor Day & MDA a household name. They also owe Jerry Lewis a proper send off. Anyway that is my thought and I just happen to verbalize it, but who am I? Just a Beverly Hills Realtor who did not watch this year’s Telethon.
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