Bank of Books, The Independent Bookstore in Malibu, CA is still here and thriving…

Bank of Books, The Independent Bookstore in Malibu, CA is still here and thriving….
It has been virtually two years since I last wrote about Bank of Books in Malibu, CA see enclosed link ( ) that is a life time for a book seller especially an independent bookseller. That was the time the book store just opened. So here we are two years later they are in their third year.
Needless to say most of you who know me, not only do I love to read books, but I am also a collector. Diane and I love going to independent bookstores and supporting them, as well as our own addiction. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw these books behind the glass cage! In case you cannot enlarge the pictures, one is an originally published Diary of Ann Frank in the Dutch Language (for about $4800+) Next to it is Harry Potter’s British Ed. And signed by the author (for about $600+) and if this is not something you would be interested in, well what about the King James Bible (for about $48,000+).
I was excited about the Diary of Ann Frank as well as the Harry Potter book. So this is giving me incentive to work harder so I could acquire at least the Harry Potter bookJ
The Good News from this is, that the Independent Book Seller in Malibu, CA is doing well when many other books stores have folded.
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