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A book review of ‘The Dogs of War’, by Frederick Forsyth

Posted by on 4:04 am in Book Review | 0 comments

A book review of ‘The Dogs of War’, by Frederick Forsyth

As most of my readers know, thanks to my no longer being “active” on a real estate social media platform has ‘opened up’ the time for me to ‘open up’ a book at night rather than being on the Internet blogging. I must say, I’m very happy to be back in the world of being a reader again and not just a book collector. Now, I am not sure if you have been keeping up with the daily World & US News, but if you have you know that there has been much discussion about the metals and minerals deal that the US and Ukraine are negotiating; add China and the European Union to the mix and obviously it is not only about wealth, it is also about resources that are essential not only to the economy but to national security. Obviously, these materials are also needed for military equipment, computers and batteries. With this bit of political and historical background, let me also share with you that I bought Frederick Forsyth’s third book, The Dogs of War, over fifteen years ago. My copy is a British first edition and talk about inflation, the book was published in 1974 and it was for sale for 2.5 British Pounds. I paid $20 dollars for my copy, used, and in great condition. With that said, you can find a copy nowadays on eBay anywhere from $16 to $488 US Dollars. I digress as I bring a bit of economic background into the mix. You probably guessed that for my latest read, I decided on The Dogs of War since I have always been a loyal fan of Frederick Forsyth. This was not a re-read for me, nor had I watched the movie that was made after the book was published. This book was a page turner for me. It is about the world of the mercenary soldiers and their involvement with a ruthless head of a London-based mining company. The object, or should I say the assignment, is to overthrow the Government of a remote African republic and get rid of its dictator. Clearly the story is all about wealth, distribution, power and corruption. The plot gets more convoluted when the Russians discover that the firm found minerals that would be beneficial for Russia as well. Not wanting to give away too much of the story, it involves gun smuggling, planning of the coup-d’état and the various European, Middle Eastern and other countries and their contribution to the black market of arms dealing. Needless to say, the result does not turn out the way the plotters planned it. As with any great read, there is a huge twist at the end! I loved this book; it kept me up and entertained into the wee hours. I’m only sorry that it took me this long to read it. Now with that said, I plan to head to my bookshelves and pull out another Frederick Forsyth book as my next read. If you look at the big picture of the novel, you may wonder, as I did, has anything changed since the story’s plot which takes place in the mid- to late 1960’s. My take is, the names and the actors/players may have changed, but the plot, story and the motivation remain the...

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How much does it cost to build a new home in Los Angeles?

Posted by on 7:21 pm in Land, Uncategorized, Vacant Land | 8 comments

How much does it cost to build a new home in Los Angeles?

How much does it cost to build a new home in Los Angeles? As a vacant land specialist in the greater Los Angeles area for the past 28+ years, this question is often posed to me. As you may expect, with the devastations of the recent Palisades and Eaton fires, I am asked this question even more often than before: How much does it cost to build a house in Los Angeles? The answer is not as simple as one might expect, there are quite a few variables that need to be factored in. For example, a great deal depends on the terrain, while location makes a big difference as well. These factors are the main reason I get asked, from developers, investors and potential land buyers who want to build as to how much does it cost to build a home in Los Angeles and vicinity? As most everyone knows, Los Angeles has always been one of the most expensive places to live, hence building a house would be no different. Over my years here and in real estate, I’ve watched as the price of construction costs continued to rise thus further adding to the lack of affordability to build a home. Add to that the increase of interest rates has not helped the situation either. Five years ago, the Pandemic Shutdown negatively impacted not only the income of potential buyers, while further adding to the increased costs of everything else. For example, groceries alone have increased by 28% since 2019. It is no wonder that the cost of building a home has also increased along with existing home prices. As I mentioned above, terrain plays a large role in our scenario. So, let’s start with flat land. To build a home in Los Angeles on flat land generally would cost at the minimum $250 per square foot; nothing fancy or extravagant, just the basics. As to what I would call a mid-range priced home, the cost would be closer to $350 per square foot. For a luxury customized a/k/a high-end build would cost about $450 per square foot or more. The question of course is: what does this include? The dollar per square foot consists of a number of fees, first and foremost building permits and architectural fees. We then need to add in the costs for running utilities to the home, foundations, framing, exterior finishes, roofing and plumbing. Let’s not forget to add to that interior finishes where the costs could run from low to average to very expensive (particularly if you go with custom finishes) particularly in the kitchen and bathrooms. Obviously, the more luxurious one makes the kitchen and bathrooms the higher the price per square foot becomes. The good news in all of this is that buying land and building a home from scratch is still less expensive than buying a finished home; plus the house could be designed to your exact tastes and needs. To reiterate, I have only addressed building a home on flat lots. To build a home on a hillside means the costs are much higher. That is something I will address in a future post. If you are looking for a pet friendly Beverly Hills Realtor who can handle the most challenging properties that no one else could,...

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Phase 2 of the Palisades and Eaton Fires cleanup is underway

Posted by on 5:35 am in Advice to Homeowners | 5 comments

Phase 2 of the Palisades and Eaton Fires cleanup is underway

Phase 2 of the Palisades and Eaton Fires cleanup is underway If you are not aware, Phase 2 of the cleanup of the Palisades and Eaton fires is currently underway after completion of Phase 1, which began on January 28, and involved the removal of toxic chemicals. Phase 2 includes the clearing of debris such as chimneys, ash, trees, foundations, and “up to six inches of contaminated soil.” The deadline for property owners to submit a right-of-entry (ROE) form in order to opt in for free cleanup is March 31, 2025. If you do not Opt In, the cleanup will be on you. It’s also very important to note that if you choose to opt out, you CANNOT change your mind and opt in. Further deadline and submission information can be found at this link If you need help filling out your form or have additional questions, please call the LA County Public Works Fire Debris Hotline at 844-347-3332. You may also email or To learn more about Phase 2 please visit this link       If you prefer not to read the link, here is the short answer: A Right of Entry (ROE) form is required if you want the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to do work free of charge. Those opting out should also submit the form to avoid delaying work in their communities. The US Army Corps of Engineers has established a Debris Call Center to help answer questions regarding Private Property Debris Removal. Hours of operation are from 6:00 AM to 6:30 PM; call 213-308-8305 for assistance. If you have additional questions or would like further details, the link is extremely thorough and you should be able to find everything that you need. Thank you to the Army Corps of Engineers for leading these critical cleanup efforts! I have been asked by many clients and out-of-area agents what is going on with insurance issues that they have been reading. That will be a future post with much detail, but I can provide a quick short answer here: State Farm, California’s largest insurer, recently requested permission to instate an “emergency” insurance premium increase of an average of 22% for homeowners. Today, the insurance commissioner rejected this request and asked the company to provide more information at a meeting later this month. “State Farm’s customers need real answers about why they are being asked to pay more and what responsibility the company’s leadership is taking to get its financial house in order,” the commissioner said in a statement. In brief, this is a dynamic situation where things are evolving day-by-day and minute-by-minute. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you need additional help or have questions. If I don’t have the answer, I have contacts with whom I can put you in touch that can help. If you are looking for a pet friendly Beverly Hills Realtor who can handle the most challenging properties that no one else could, please reach out to me directly. If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties or vacant land in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu reach...

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Book Review by a Beverly Hills Realtor: Endre Barath, Jr.

Posted by on 5:48 am in Beverly Hills, Endre Barath, Observations about various subjects | 0 comments

Book Review by a Beverly Hills Realtor: Endre Barath, Jr.

Book Review by a Pet Friendly Beverly Hills Realtor: Endre Barath, Jr. a Beverly Hills Realtor Tickle Me with Love a Book Review.   In addition to being a Realtor, I also love to read. Recent changes to my daily social media routine have paved the way for me to get back to my bookshelves by opening up my evenings to reading, so without further delay, I give you my first book review. In practicing full disclosure, short stories have never been my genre. With that said, my friend and published author, Ricki McCallum, a while back sent me a copy of her book, Tickle Me with Love, a book of Christian poems and short stories. Since they are short stories and poems, this book is an easy read for anyone. My goal was to read one or two chapters a night which I had no problem doing. Ricki covered a lot of ground with this book, and every chapter, be it story or poem, was excellent. As is the norm with short stories, each chapter is an independent subject – reading, fear, pets, God and Christmas just to name a few and I mention them in no particular order. Probably the most important aspect, at least to me, was that I found this book to be very uplifting and even funny at times, the more I kept reading . Needless to say, Ricki converted me to never overlooking a book of short stories again. I was actually sorry to have finished it so quickly. If you have not read this book and are looking for a fun and easy read, you need to add this to your reading list; particularly if you are short on time, this would be perfect read for you. I met Ricki over a social media platform to which I used to belong. Our interactions led us to a friendship for which I am grateful. Stay tuned for future book reviews from this Pet Friendly Beverly Hills Realtor where I will be sure to cover Ricki’s full-length novels, Snow Fire and its follow-up sequel, Snow Fire 2 Revenge & Justice. You can find Ricki’s Books on Amazon or htttps:// or   I think you will enjoy her books! If you are looking for a pet friendly Beverly Hills Realtor who can handle the most challenging properties that no one else could, please reach out to me directly. If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties or vacant land in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu reach out to me at 310.486.1002 (m) or or visit my website at   A portion of my commission will be donated to a local and reputable animal rescue organization or...

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Musings by a Pet Friendly Beverly Hills Realtor: Endre Barath, Jr.

Posted by on 6:00 am in Pet Friendly Realtor, Uncategorized | 4 comments

Musings by a Pet Friendly Beverly Hills Realtor: Endre Barath, Jr.

Musings by a Pet Friendly Beverly Hills Realtor: Endre Barath, Jr. February generally has us thinking about love and Valentine’s Day. Well in the continued spirit of love, did you know that those who have pets generally experience an overall better quality of life? Anyone with pets I’m sure would agree. You could say that our pets are our devoted year-round Valentines. Why do I say that? Think about it- our pets offer unconditional love, companionship and loyalty. When you come home, your dogs furiously wag their tails and run around as if you have been gone for days, even if you have only been gone for half an hour. ( My human partner usually greets me by saying ‘home already?’)If you have cats, they offer their love more subtly, but there is nothing like their leg rubs (when they don’t trip you) and purrs or motoring as I call it. And they are all so content just to have you home and nearby. There is nothing more comforting to me than seeing our animals sound asleep; I know they feel safe, well cared for and protected.Quite simply, if you have the time for the pets make your home and your life better. While they enrich our lives, it is not a decision to be taken lightly: to adopt or rescue an animal. Make sure you have the time to give them and plan to commit to them for their entire lives.If you decide to adopt or rescue, please visit your local animal shelter or a reputable rescue organization, they will help you find the right pet for you.Please feel free to comment on this post about your own devoted year-round furry Valentine. I have been busy getting my website up to speed with my web designers in order that I can continue on my new ‘solo’ blogs about real estate overall, local real estate market reports and, to mix it up and make it fun and interactive, pets, cooking and back to reading posts.I am looking forward to old friend joining in and making new ones, and I appreciate your patience as I figure out my solo blogging. Any tips?If you are looking for a pet friendly Beverly Hills Realtor who can handle the most challenging properties, that no one else could, please reach out to me directly. If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties or vacant land in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu. Please feel free to reach out to me at 310.486.1002 (m) or or visit one of my websites at portion of my commission will be donated to a local and reputable animal rescue organization or...

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Be Amongst the First to Read my Initial Blog Post on My Own Website!

Posted by on 11:03 pm in Uncategorized | 17 comments

Be Amongst the First to Read my Initial Blog Post on My Own Website!

Be Amongst the First to Read my Initial Blog Post on My Own Website It’s years since I posted on my own website. After being part of a platform for 17 years where I actually learned to blog, it’s time to branch out independently. Change is good, and with that said, I welcome your comments and thoughts as I venture on this platform continuing to spread the word on real estate and other topics. I will return comments as I did on the prior platform and look forward to engaging. Not to bore you with real estate posts, I plan to mix it up with pet friendly posts (being a pet-friendly Realtor and supporter of animal rescue) cooking recipes (since I am “realtor that cooks”), positive motivation (sharing words from philosophers) and hopefully books. A goal for 2025 is to get back to my passion of reading. If you follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter aka X, and Instagram, nothing will change as I will continue to push my posts out to those platforms. Then if you want to comment on my posts feel free to do so, nothing will change as I used to reply to comments on the previous platform I was on. Hence with this introduction, let me share a Motivational Post as my first blog. I have always been about having a positive outlook on life, work and relationships. With that said: Do not be discouraged if things get thrown in your way, may that be a small obstacle or a big obstacle. Figure out how to go around it or go through it! You will be glad when you get on the other side of the obstacle. (Endre Barath, Jr.) Loss is nothing more than change. Universal nature delights in change, all that flows from nature happens for the good. Similar things have happened from time everlasting, and there will be more such to eternity. (Marcus Aurelius’) Adversity Makes You Stronger. Most of all good things come through adversity. There’s a poem that says: Looking back, it seems to me, All the grief that had to be Left me when the pain was o’er Stronger than I was before (Unknown) Quote and poem from (John Wooden’s Book” A lifetime of Observations and reflections on and off the court) Remember, “No one’s more important than people”! In other words, friendship is the most important thing-not career or housework, or one’s fatigue-and it needs to be tended and nurtured.” Julia Child If you are looking for a pet friendly Beverly Hills Realtor who can handle the most challenging properties that no one else could, please reach out to me directly. If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu, feel free to contact me at 310.486.1002 (m) or or visit one of my websites at A portion of my commission will be donated to a local and reputable animal rescue organization or...

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We are so inundated with bad information what is one to do?

Posted by on 6:37 am in Active Rain, Advice to Homeowners, Authors, Los Feliz Real Estate Market Report, Observations about various subjects, Ultra Luxury Real Estate in the Greater Los Angeles, Uncategorized | 0 comments

We are so inundated with bad information what is one to do?

We are inundated with so much bad information, what is one to do? Observations about various things. There are so many internet portals, news media platforms that seem to have credibility, but they manage to provide bad information without any fact checking. What are we to do? How do we separate reality from fiction? No this is not a’ Political Post’, it is just an observation about bad information that could have been easily fact checked. My post was inspired by an article I read on Realtor dot com. The author made herself an “expert” about Frank Lloyd Wright homes. This is a contrarian post to that specific article, I just read on the internet. Keep in mind  I live in Los Angeles and have been a Beverly Hills Realtor for 22+ years in the local market. I have always been fascinated with the fact that there are so many Frank Lloyd Wright homes that  exist in Los Angeles. Hence, I followed the listing and sales history, just as a personal curiosity. Now keep in mind the author of this article is a food, wellness, and home writer. Her work has been featured in Healthyish,, Lifehacker, She Knows, and CafeMom It amazes me that she writes a Featured Article on Realtor dot Com and no one decides to “fact check her”. I totally disagree with her post as well as her message. People that can afford to buy Frank Lloyd Wright homes buy them as a piece of Art.  Just to give you an example: there was a Frank Lloyd Wright home collector and he had more than four that I know of. He bought it not for profit but for his love of the Architect. Most of the buyers of Frank Lloyd Wright homes are not looking to make a profit, rather they buy them to preserve them and pass it on to future generations to the public and other Frank Lloyd Wright fans. Now with that said I remember when Ron Buerkle bought the virtual teardown  home for about $4+ million dollars. We in the Real Estate Community were thrilled that he would bring it back to life. Yes, after he spent depending on who you talk to $10- $17 million dollars fixing it up. At some point in time he decided to put it on the market and sell it. Just to be clear this property has been on the market for 402 days as of this writing unlike what the author claimed well here it is check on the Days On Market for being transparent I am enclosing the link  2607 GLENDOWER AVE  LOS ANGELES CA 90027    In case you can not see it here is the cut and paste of the listing dates:  Contract Info DOM 402 List Date 07-09-2018 List Price $23,000,000 Orig List Price $23,000,000 Status Date 07-09-2018 Change Date/Type 04-09-2019 / Extended Sale Type Standard   Here is the article in case you are interested, that I am writing the contrarian post about… Claiming to have a property listed 30 days ago vs the reality of 402 days is just plain wrong. Where are the editors??? So, you might say what is your point?? Not trying to be nasty, I just want you to be cautious as to what you read on...

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Time Flies! Looking Back on Ten Years A Perspective by Endre Barath, Jr. Beverly Hills, Pet Friendly Realtor

Posted by on 12:36 am in Active Rain, Authors, Beverly Hills, Endre Barath, Observations about various subjects | 0 comments

Time Flies! Looking Back on Ten Years  A Perspective by Endre Barath, Jr.  Beverly Hills, Pet Friendly Realtor

This post was inspired by one of my Active Rain friends,   Jeff  D. Jeff asked us to reflect on and share at least 10 changes that took place in our lives during the past 10 years. Many who know me know that I am all about forward thinking and moving forward, rather than  living in or looking back at the past.  Yet, thanks to Jeff’s inspiration, I decided to journey back and see what took place the past 10 years of our lives. I am intentionally omitting the loss of both my and Diane’s parents as well as and animals and instead am focusing on “events” that took place in our lives, while also recalling some memorable events that took place around the globe. Without further ado:   2009: I was at the beginning stages of my journey on becoming a blogger. I abandoned my trusted typewriter for my first laptop .  The global economy had just tanked, and as a Realtor I was striving to get my name out to the World Wide Web. My intent was to get referrals from this social platform known as Active Rain. I did not have the burning desire to become a real estate ‘writer’.  Rather, I wanted referrals to specifically be known to buyers and sellers in the greater Los Angeles area. This change was new for me and it was the beginning of a long and interesting journey. Quite unexpectedly, I formed new (and what would become long) friendships. We exchanged ideas and yes, even picked up a few referrals.  I realized just how vast a network the world wide web reached when international buyers and sellers found me due to my various blog posts.   In January of that same year, CPT Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger landed US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River, thereby saving the lives of all 155 people aboard.   2010:   A roller coaster of a year. I had listed and sold quite a few single-family homes in  the greater Los Angeles area,  as well as a couple of duplexes on LA’s West Side. My regular readers think of me as the international “go to” Realtor in Beverly Hills and vicinity.  Contrary to popular belief, I do also sell homes, not just vacant lots, although my name does pop into the minds of most who are considering buying or selling vacant land in the Greater Los Angeles area. All these accomplishments were amplified by the World Wide Web. In December, I flew to Hungary and closed out a chapter in my life. The internet was helpful in keeping my business manageable, and I was able to  sell a vacant lot despite losing  and replacing my Blackberry on this particular trip.   This was the same year that Julian Assange of WikiLeaks fame was arrested in London, England and the beginning of his complicated journey.   2011: I started to really grasp all that blogging entailed.  I wrote many posts, and one in particular about “wood burning fireplaces in Los Angeles” continues to generate inquiries even today. Not wanting to embellish, I can safely say I’ve had more calls and emails from this post than any other post I have written.   This was  also the year that the most notorious terrorist was killed by Seal Team Six! 2012: I changed Brokers...

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Summer Fun in Beverly Hills, CA

Posted by on 12:23 am in Active Rain, Beverly Hills | 0 comments

Summer Fun in Beverly Hills, CA. Beverly Hills is considered  the  “destination place” for many people from all over the globe. Tourists come to see many “attractions”, but the number one attraction is of course ‘Rodeo Drive’. Although Rodeo Drive is about two miles long most people are only focused on about three blocks of it. That is from Santa Monica Boulevard  South to Wilshire Blvd. There was a time when the visitors would hope to run into some of the “Hollywood Celebrities”. The reality is the only celebrities you see, this part of town are the ones “who want to be seen”. Most are usually hidden behind the gates of their palatial mansions moving from point A to point B in darkened windows of the SUV’s that are driven by their trusted chauffeurs and bodyguards unnoticed by the tourists. The second most popular tourist attraction in Beverly Hills is clearly the Beverly Hills Sign North of Santa Monica Boulevard. The Mayor of Beverly Hills can often be seen doing a VLOG and he is enjoying the hundreds of thousands of visitors that are checking him out. Funny part about it is most of these visitors have no idea who he is and why is he doing a VLOG? They just know he must be a celebrity of sorts.   There are many other attractions in Beverly Hills and not wanting to slight anyone all I can say is too many to name. If you forced me and said, Endre do not be politically correct what would the third place be? Well, if you force me, I must say it would be “The Shops”. They  become a tourist destination place for many to be photographed in front or inside the shops. There are many people who will go home with happy memories of standing in front of these shops without stepping inside of them. Others will take advantage of buying some very expensive, clothing, handbags, shoes and the list goes on and on. To many tourists Beverly Hills has been on their “Bucket list” to visit and shop or just window shop. Those who have read my posts consistently know that I am very grateful to be able to say that my Real Estate Office is on  131 South Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA. I never take it for granted and I always appreciate what I have. Virtually every International Client that I have represented insisted on visiting my office, although I prefer lunch or dinner with them outside the office. Nevertheless, I smile when I see them take selfies and pictures of the front of my office as well as inside. It is all part of the fun. Now if you would like to be represented by a fun Beverly Hills Agent who calls Rodeo Drive as his place of work please reach out to me directly! Looking for a knowledgeable, focused and goal-oriented Realtor in the Beverly Hills area who will help you achieve your Real Estate goals? Please reach out to me directly!   If you are looking for a pet friendly Beverly Hills Realtor who can handle and sell the most difficult properties that no one else could, please reach out to me directly!! If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real...

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Happy Independence Day! Wishing you a Safe Celebration!

Posted by on 3:48 am in Economic Outlook, Endre Barath, Observations about various subjects, Pet Friendly Realtor | 0 comments

Happy Independence Day! Wishing you a Safe Celebration!

Our Flag is flying high and we are celebrating our Freedom and wishing you a Happy Independence Day! Happy July 4th week!  Believe it or not, 2019 is now half over. In summary, the first 6 months of the year have been a bit of a roller coaster for real estate in the greater Los Angeles area. In spite of mixed messages, here are a few facts we can celebrate as America approaches her birthday: The Department Of Labor reported that the weekly initial jobless claims fell to 196,000.  This is the lowest number since 1969.  It’s worth noting that in 1969, there were approximately 202 million people in the U.S.  As of this writing, that number is up to approximately 327 million, so the jobless claim number is even more impressive. For those that have been concerned about recession earlier this year, in my opinion it is highly unlikely that we will see a recession in 2019 since the labor market is strengthening. Then of course there is the concern over interest rates.  To clarify, consumer confidence and jobs help buy homes more than low interest rates. On this 4th of July holiday, please remember this is NOT a fun holiday for your pet(s).  The loud bangs of fireworks are terrifying for them.  Keep your pets inside and in your sight until the festivities are over. Consider playing classical music and/or having the TV on for them.  The already overcrowded shelters will be overrun with lost pets, and you don’t want yours to be one of them. With all this said, I wish you (and your pets if you have them) a safe and relaxing 4th of July. Looking for a knowledgeable, focused and goal-oriented Realtor in the Beverly Hills area who will help you achieve your Real Estate goals? Please reach out to me directly!   If you are looking for a pet friendly Beverly Hills Realtor who can handle and sell the most difficult properties that no one else could, please reach out to me directly!! If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu, feel free to contact me at 310.486.1002 (m) or or visit one of my websites at  I contribute a portion of my commission to local animal rescue organizations.  ...

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