Breaking News: Trey Ratcliff is “The Highlander of Google+”
Breaking News: Trey Ratcliff is “The Highlander of Google+”
If you are an active participant of many Social Websites, then by now you must have found out that Google+ has come up with a new “measuring tool”, or to be more specific an additional measuring tool. If not then enjoy this postJ!
If you log in to G+ and go to your profile, then look at your picture. Underneath your picture there will be one or two numbers.
The first number is how many people viewed something related to your activity, it is not quite as cut and dry like Active Rain as to how many people viewed your profile or how many people looked at your blog post. In typical Google fashion it is more “in the nebulous grey area”. Is it Profile plus, Plus Ones, comments on other threads, comments you received on your posts I could go on and on. The bottom line, no one really knows and I am sure if you watch Matt Cutts’ comments about it at some point in time when he will address this new addition, you will still remain in the “nebulous area” and will not be sureJ what it really means.
Then there is the number of followers you have. This number is based on your presence on G+ and other Social Networks and you have followers from all over that decide to put your Profile into one of their Google Circles. So with that said there could be a correlation of number of Circle you are in and number of Circle you placed other G+ Profiles. Now keep in mind I am strictly guessing, there might be no correlation to the “views”
Then you might have both numbers under your picture. Clearly that is an indication that you updated your profile since for some reason if you do not do this daily this number falls off your profile i.e.: the number of people who have you in their circles.
So now with that said getting back to my original headline: Trey Ratcliff’s numbers are in the Billions not as your humble G+ member +EndreBarath on Google+. He is the “Highlander of Google+”J
So what does it all mean? Well that is another great question to which I do not have the answer. If you do know the answer feel free to comment or what your thoughts are about this subject are welcome, either way I look forward to your comments.
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