Speechless Sundays: Finger Food! If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu, feel free to contact me at 310.486.1002 or homes@endrebarath.com or visit one of my websites t https://www.endrebarath.com. I am a pet friendly realtor and...
The Weltanschaung of my Real Estate Business is clear: it is my business philosophy. Having lived in Germany and Austria for approximately 8 years and graduating with a BA in German, I have a clear understanding of the literal translation – Weltanschaung is: View of the World. My business philosophy has always been simply stated: I treat my clients as I want to be...
A Marina Del Rey Realtor’s 24hr period.What do you do in your 24 hour period? Well I will share with you my 24hrs! I find that I am so much on auto pilot and hardly think about what I do in a 24 hour period. Spring Ideas for anyone not just a Marina Del Rey Realtor! I was inspired by one of my Active Rain...
Spring in Southern California: specifically in the Greater Los Angeles! There are so many people who are not aware although we have a temperate climate we still have four seasons. Many of my relocation clients who are moving to Los Angeles have often asked me and wanted to know if they needed to get rid of their winter jackets and clothing. My first reaction...
Breaking News: The Design Review Board: Unanimously REJECTED Marina Admiralty’s Proposal to destroy a Historically Significant Property. Breaking News: The Design Review Board Unanimously REJECTED Marina Admiralty’s Plans to destroy a Historically Significant Property “… this property is worth preserving was the message the Board sent to the developers…” The property in question being Mariner’s Village was to be totally re-engineered. All vegetation including mature...
Real Estate Community: I have a Need Request for a Hotel anywhere in the US My clients are interested in buying a hotel. Basically they are looking for running hotels (not closed hotels) with 100 to 200 rooms with price range of around $2 million all cash. Location is very important, they are looking nationwide but are only interested in properties located...