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How will you celebrate St Patrick’s Day in 2015?
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How will you celebrate St Patrick’s Day in 2015? Did you know that St. Patrick’s Day 2015 falls on a Tuesday that is March 17th, 2015? When I lived and worked in Boston, MA it was for all practical purposes a National or at least at the minimum a State Holiday. We showed up for work and did the bare minimum to get things...

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Have you heard of : Shelter to Soldier? If you have not do not feel bad, neither have I, until today!
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Have you heard of:   Shelter to Soldier? If you have not do not feel bad, neither have I, until today! We had our Berkshire Hathaway Beverly Hills office meeting and there were surprise guests: Graham Bloem, Vic Martin & Kira! Evidently our Charity Foundation has been supporting this fantastic organization and we had no idea. Shelter to Soldier: is a California 501c3 nonprofit that...

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Mobile Friendly  Website  WWW.ENDREBARATH.COM
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There has  been a lot of discussion for the past couple of  years  about the importance of going Mobile Friendly with Real Estate and any other websites. Needless to say, I have researched it and ultimately made the pricey change over. There were some benefits immediately a new website look, but there were quite a few draw backs as well. Clients noticing that my...

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The James Beard Nominations have been announced!
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The James Beard Nominations have been announced! I have been crazy busy so I have not have had the opportunity to write about this. On February 19th 2015 the James Beard Foundation’s Semi Finalist Nominees have been announced. The grumbling has begun shortly after the list came out and the grumbling have continued here in Los Angeles (at least here I am aware of...

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Diamond Lane: The Definition of being in the lane which is reserved for two or more passanger in a vehicle…
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Diamond Lane: the definition of being on the lane what is reserved for two or more passengers in the vehicle hence given the privilege of moving in a lane that is faster than the rest of the traffic. When I see individuals abusing this privileged my blood starts boiling. As I drive obeying the law I see these “entitled” individuals abusing the system. So...

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Is there such a thing as being “dog tired”?
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Is there such a thing as being “dog tired” I have often heard people commenting that they were “dog tired”. I have never used the expression, since I am a believer what you put out to the universe you get back. Hence I do not want this feeling of being tired. After all we have all the same 24 hrs. as everyone else and...

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