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Cheap wines under $10, my third post of the series

Posted on Jul 17, 2011 by in Active Rain | 0 comments

Cheap wines under $10, my third post of the series

First of all, my point is, if you are a wine connoisseur than you will appreciate this post about cheap, but good red wines.  If you are just a wine snob and base wine on price only than I suggest you might want to reconsider. Price is not the only determiner of good wines. Now with that said. A favorite winery of mine is Murphy Goode. (  they make an outstanding Sauvignon Blank, so armed with this knowledge I ventured into trying their Pinot Noir. Let me tell you, what a pleasant but unexpected surprise when I tasted it. As you can see there is not one drop left in the bottle. Their 2009 vintage is really worth buying. Of course as the title of my blog post states it was under $10 a bottle.

Murphy Goode Pinot Noir by Endre Barath,Jr.

Take my word try it, you will not regret it!

Murphy Goode Back side of bottle by Endre Barath

Now if you prefer a more robust full bodied red wine over the Pinot Noir. I have the ultimate Red Zinfandel under $7.00 a bottle. Hard to believe, but if you can get your hand on it buy at least five or six bottles you will not regret it, instead you will thank me. Renwood Winery Produces (  this outstanding wine.

Renwood Zin by Endre Barath

I have had quite a few Zin in the price point north of $20 a bottle and I would match this in a blind taste testing any day!

Renwood 2005 Zinfandel by Endre Barath

So after you had a tough day of negotiating Real Estate I recommend any one of these great wines. So with that said Enjoy!

 In case you missed my previous two posts: One I wrote on May 15th 2011, here it is for your convenience (my second in the series of Cheap but good wines)

And of course the first that started this series being frugal is fashionable 12/30/2009

 If you are a consumer  who is considering buying  or selling  a home, investment real estate, vacation homes, or beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu. Feel Free to give me a call at 310.486.1002 (USA) or email me at or visit one of my websites at Your Pet Friendly Realtor. I contribute a portion of my commission to Local Animal Rescue Organizations.


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