Going down Memory Lane: The Connoisseur’s Guide Los Angeles

Going down Memory Lane: The Connoisseur’s Guide, Los Angeles, 1996
I was just browsing through The Connoisseur’s Guide (the published date was 1996). This book was in most upscale hotels in Los Angeles and vicinity. The hotels had them in their rooms for the convenience of their guests. So I decided to go down memory lane.
I opened up the Cuisine Section, what a surprise some of you might say, Endre Barath checking out Restaurants NOT?
Some of the famous and iconic names like “Maple Drive” in Beverly Hills that had some terrific food, CLOSED!
“The Four Oaks Restaurant” a French country inn style menu in Bel Air on Beverly Glen Blvd, CLOSED!
“Jimmy’s” in Beverly Hills, where you could find the Michael Ovitz and Frank Sinatra dining on Dover sole or a New York steak with fried red onions, CLOSED!
“Schatzi on Main” in Santa Monica an Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Austrian –American fare like Wienerschnitzel with garlic mashed potatoes, CLOSED!
Anyway I could go on and on, you get the idea there are many more iconic Restaurants that were in this book that catered to the rich and famous, the locals and the tourist who were willing to pay to for the once in a life time experience of fantastic food were closed as well.
For the tourist, I found the attraction was more so to get a glimpse of the famous residents of Beverly Hills and vicinity aka the Hollywood A -list.
So reflecting it is hard to believe that in eighteen years so many iconic Restaurants are gone. Now in all fairness this is clearly an indication of how competitive the Los Angeles Restaurant scene is. So next time I will write about some of the iconic Restaurants that are still here. A true testament to their resilience, customer service, good food and loyal client base.
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