Merry Christmas from our house to your house! If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu, feel free to contact me at 310.486.1002 or or visit one of my...
Update on Wiley: our back yard stray cat! As most of you who have been keeping up with Wiley know, he decided that our home would be the best place to settle down. We in turn concurred and after he got used to us feeding him regularly, we managed to capture, take him to the vet, spay & neuter him. While he...
Have you heard what happened to Sony Pictures? Today the President of Sony pictures stood in front of the cameras and had some serious bad news to report. Evidently all their employees’ private information has been “hacked” and disseminated on the world wide web. First you would say “well so what” it has happened to other businesses like Home Depot, Target and the list...
Going down Memory Lane: The Connoisseur’s Guide, Los Angeles, 1996 I was just browsing through The Connoisseur’s Guide (the published date was 1996). This book was in most upscale hotels in Los Angeles and vicinity. The hotels had them in their rooms for the convenience of their guests. So I decided to go down memory lane. I opened up the Cuisine Section, what...
Bobby Keys RIP a great loss for the Rolling Stones and their fans! Diane and I saw him last year and he was awesome, one of the best Sax players and if you ever heard Brown Sugar by the Rolling Stones he makes that song PERIOD! Our condolences to his family and friends. There are many more in his illustrious career. I picked...