Weltanschaung: views of the world a philosopy of Active Rain & my business!

Weltanschaung: views of the world a philosopy of Active Rain & my business!
Hard to believe last March I wrote a Blog Post about “Weltanschaung” of my business” https://endrebarath.com/the-weltanschaung-of-my-real-estate-business-is-clear-it-is-my/ so nine months plus or minus later here I am revisiting this word, because Active Rain has a Philosophy which is embodied under the Word “Weltanschaung” http://activerain.trulia.com/culture/weltanschauung my friend from Atlanta, GA is hosting a Contest and she was interested in what particular part of this Philosophy resonates with each and every one of us.
Clearly I do not go and read these points daily or regularly, like I said the last time I read it was in March of 2014. I also find that we grow, mature or change as time passes by. All then points are important and resonate with me. At this point in time particularly the last point is what resonated with me. Could be because it was the last one and left a bigger impression on me, or it could be that my value systems have been changing in the past nine months. Do not know, but the fact is this is what resonated with me at this moment:
- #10. ActiveRain believes that it is in the best interests of real estate professionals to build a community that is focused on educating one another.ActiveRain believes its future depends on members of all experience levels openly sharing their experiences and best practices with others in the field. This communal dialogue offers a unique opportunity for professional growth and is the way to share in the dynamism and excitement that constitutes the modern real estate business.
If you asked anyone, they would agree with me that this is a noble goal! Since I have been on Active Rain, (that is 2008 in case you are wondering) I have learned how to write blog posts, I have also learned how to get SEO value and benefit of my Blogging all from fellow members. Keep in mind I did not get that from the previous Broker I worked for, but from my fellow members who freely gave me advice and help. Some I took, others I did not but should have taken!
The best part is there have been so many changes during this short period of time and I was able to learn new cutting edge technology which has helped to grow my business as well as helped me build great and lasting relationships that I have not experienced on any other platform. The names of those who helped me are numerous some are gone and others are still here on this platform. So my best advice is for you to take advantage of the community and give and take for all to benefit.
If you are considering buying or selling a home, a luxury home, luxury investment real estate, luxury vacation homes, or luxury beach properties in Southern California, Los Angeles, Century City, Westwood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Venice or Malibu, feel free to contact me at 310.486.1002 or homes@endrebarath.com or visit one of my websites at https://www.endrebarath.com. I am a pet friendly realtor and I contribute a portion of my commissions to local animal rescue organizations.