The Wine Series: California Wines (2nd in the Series)

The Wine Series: California Wines (2nd in the Series)
California Wines:
I decided to separate the California Wines into a number of blog posts, since it is such a vast topic and even this way I will not be able to do justice to it. At best I will only be scratching the surface. Hence I would like to apologize in advance to the many fantastic wineries and wine lovers, whom I will be slighting due to the fact of not enough time or space to cover them all. I will further try to subdivide these into various price ranges to allow everyone’s budget so choices.
So with that said my first choice to write about is the Cabernet Sauvignon, a full bodied wine that is grown and produced in almost every part of the Wine Growing World. Some people consider it the King of Wines. The quality as well as the price can be varied.
Wines in the range of $30-$100 a bottle two or three wines come instantly to my mind, but before I reveal my choices, let me give you a little background.
First let introduce you to a terminology what we call “Cult Wine”. This generally is a wine that is not consumed rather it is held for value and re-sold until some ultra-affluent person actually drinks it. One of the most sought after “cult wines” is considered “ The Screaming Eagle” years ago when they were beginning their Cabernet Sauvignon was not only rated in the high 90pts by all the Wine Gurus, but their price was around $1200 a bottle. Now that their fame has increased a lot more as well as their “Cult Status” now you can pay anywhere from $3000-$4000 a bottle. Ironically they are owned by one of Napa Valley’s leading Real Estate Agents Tony Bowden & Jean Phillips. (in fairness to disclosure I wonder if they still practice Real Estate) So if you win the Lottery or have a huge sale I would recommend a Bottle of Screaming Eagle! Keep in mind you still would be on a waiting list to get your hand on a bottle. They produce around 500 cases and there are people from all over the world wanting their wines.( )
On the other hand if this is not in your budget, then I would strongly encourage you to find “Whispering Dove” this wine was literally born out of two partners’ brain child, who actually drank a bottle of “Screaming Eagle” and started wondering as they calculated how hard they worked to be able to afford and buy this wine. They started to calculate and realized that to make an ultra-fine wine costs literally the same as another so where does the price difference come in? The answer was clear to them, it was in the marketing, trend and ego which determined and commanded these stratospheric prices. ( )
Their sole purpose was to bring a quality wine at an affordable price. I was drinking Whispering Dove 2002 at about $29-$31 a bottle now if you can get your hand on them it is selling about $100 a bottle. So not wanting to have you go out and blow your wine budget, be on the lookout for their 2014 Whispering Dove Cabernet Sauvignon I anticipate it will be a consistently full bodied smooth red wine you would want to drink on special occasions. This will be clearly a great wine and a less expensive alternative to Caymus Vineyard’s Cabernet Sauvignon. Speaking of Caymus if you can get your hand on their Cabernet Sauvignons when they are still in the $25-$75 range and have the willpower not to drink it right away you will be glad because not only will it be more expensive but will even taste better with age ( )
Along the same quality and price point I would recommend Plumpjack Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon in the price range of around $100 a bottle ( ). If you have the opportunity to go to San Francisco stop in at the Balboa Cafe’ and Grill ( and make sure you drink the “house wine PJV” FYI the Restaurant is owned by the Plumjack Group and they pour their own wines.
Now with that said I would like to ask your input if you had a great Cabernet Sauvignon in the $30-$100 bottle price point and I did not mention it please share it with us. Also if you missed the first of this series here is the link to it
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