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California Bicycle Laws Share the road is a two way street!

Posted on Oct 4, 2013 by in Active Rain | 0 comments

California Bicycle Laws: Share the road is a two way street!

bicycle signs in los angeles by Endre Barath

The governor of California quietly signed a law into effect that drivers need to give bicycle riders more room such as at least three feet and not pass them unless it is safe…. This is above and beyond the current Bicycle Safety Laws.

I am all for safety and giving bicyclist protection, but let me ask you how much more do  we need to give. Please look at these pictures and you tell me.  Yes I believe safety starts with rules and rules go both ways.

photo by Endre Barath, Los Angeles Realtor

Often times I see bicyclist riding on the sidewalk when it is convenient to them. This is clearly a violation of CVC 21206.


If a travel lane is too narrow to safely share side by side with a motor vehicle, you can prevent unsafe passing by riding. On a two-lane road where it is illegal or unsafe to pass, you must run off the road at designated or safe location to allow a line of 5 or more vehicles behind you to pass  This is covered by CVC 21202(a)(3) and CVC21656

bicyclist in front of Los Angeles Realtor Endre Barath

Now in all fairness what would you do as a driver in rush hour heading either to or from work and you have a bicyclist in front of you?


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